December 7, 2009

Tips For Creating Cool Web Forms

1. Use Labels

You don’t need labels for your form to work, but as one CSS-Tricks reader once put it, it is an accessibility crime not to use them. Labels are what signify what the input box is for and associate them together. The use of the

2. Float Your Labels

This is how you achieve that table-like structure on forms without having to actually use a table. Just set a static width, float it the left, align the text to the right, and give it a little right-margin. Beautiful.

label {
float: left;
text-align: right;
margin-right: 15px;
width: 100px;

3. Careful To Not Wreck Your Default Styling

A lot of browsers have default styling applied to input buttons. This provides a nice consistent user experience, so if you choose to interfere with this, make sure you have a good reason. A common way to break this is by using a CSS Reset technique that includes something like this:

* {
border: none;
outline: none;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;

4. Use the :focus Pseudo Class

You can apply styling to your input areas and textareas that only takes affect when a user has clicked into that area using the :focus pseudo class. For example, you could change the border color on those elements like so:

textarea:focus, input:focus {
border: 2px solid #900;
// Will not work in IE

5. Prefill With Hints, But Clear Them Away

It can be useful to prefill your input fields and textareas with little hints or reminders. For example if you have a general contact form and a textarea labeled “Message:”, you may want to prefill that textarea with something like “Your positive comments or constructive criticism here.” Or, you could have a name field which is prefilled with “First Middle Last” so that you can remind users that is the order they should fill in their name. You can do that just by including text within your tags: